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NFT Art | Christie's 3.0 | Virtual Gallery

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INSTALL IN PROGRESS Virtual gallery coming soon. First time using Christie’s 3.0? Simply connect your digital wallet and follow the instructions to start participating in our digital art auctions and collections. Create an account Frequently asked questions Some key facts about NFTs and how to buy them through Christie’s 3.0 How do I register?

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What is Christie's 3.0?

Christie’s 3.0 is an on-chain auction platform dedicated to exceptional digital art. Whether you’re new to NFTs or already a committed member of the community, discover and bid on exclusive drops, curated by Christie’s.

What’s included in the sale price in SOURCE [On NFTS]?

In our first on-chain generative art collection, Robert Alice’s SOURCE [On NFTS] , any unique artwork minted at 1.5 ETH or above includes the right to claim a copy of The Hard Code Edition of On NFTs , hand-signed by the artist who also edited the book. TASCHEN has reserved Edition Numbers 1 through 10 for auction. The first ten mints of SOURCE [On NFTs] will secure these rarest of copies.

What is On NFTs?

On NFTs is the first major full-scale art historical survey on NFTs published by TASCHEN and edited by Robert Alice.

How do I claim my copy of On NFTs with TASCHEN?

By minting a work at or above 1.5 ETH in Robert Alice’s SOURCE [On NFTs] , you agree to allow Christie’s to share your contact information with TASCHEN. We’ll be in touch with you after the auction with further details on how to claim your copy of the On NFTs book.

What is generative art?

Generative art is made through a combination of predetermined rules and chance. An artist sets certain parameters which allow for the autonomous creation of artworks. Although generative methods have been employed for decades by artists stretching back to the Dadaists, in recent years the movement has blossomed within the digital art space. Creators use coded algorithms to create unique editions of artworks that are revealed only when they are generated, or ‘minted’, on the blockchain.

Generative art are typically collections that are released as a series of a chosen quantity where each individual artwork in the collection is unique.

How do I place a bid?

1. You'll need a digital wallet to bid. If you haven't got one already, MetaMask is one of web3's most popular and user-friendly wallets.

2. While mobile is possible, for the best experience we recommend connecting via a desktop browser using your chosen wallet's browser extension (such as Metamask or Coinbase ).

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4. If this is your first time using Christie’s 3.0, you’ll need to create an account. This includes uploading some documents so we can verify your identity. If you’re an existing Christie’s client who has verified your identity previously with us, you can skip this step by selecting ‘Link existing account’ and providing your details. Please note that verification may take up to 24 hours — we’ll let you know by email as soon as you’re ready to bid.

5. Once verified, you can connect your wallet and start bidding.

6. Make sure your digital wallet has Ether (ETH) — the accepted currency on Christie’s 3.0.

7. On the lot page, click the 'Place bid' button and enter your bid amount in ETH. Please note, the exact amount that you enter will be bid immediately and cannot be cancelled once submitted.

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9. A confirmation message will show that you're the highest bidder. We will notify you if you're outbid, or if you win the lot. If a bid is placed within 10 minutes of the closing time of a lot, the time remaining will extend to 10 minutes.

How do I mint a digital artwork?

To mint a digital artwork on Christie’s 3.0, first connect your wallet and then head to the collection page. You’ll see the number of editions remaining that can be minted and the current minting price. Press the ‘Mint now’ button and confirm the transaction via token approval in your wallet. You won’t be able to see what the work looks like beforehand — every artwork is unique and only generated on the blockchain when you mint it.

What is a Dutch auction and how does it work?

In a Dutch auction, an item is offered at a set maximum price. The price is then incrementally lowered until a bid is made or the offered price reaches the resting price, which is the minimum price the work can be purchased at. Whoever places the first bid wins the auction, provided the bid is above the auction’s resting price.

The SOURCE [On NFTs] auction will open with a starting price of 5 ETH. The price will decrease in increments over 2 hours until all 400 works are either sold out, or the price lands at its resting price of 0.3 ETH.

Why do I need to verify my identity?

To bid in Christie’s 3.0 auctions, we need to verify your identity to comply with anti-money laundering and sanctions laws, and to protect against fraud. When you create your account, we’ll ask for the following documents to verify your identity.

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How do I view my digital artwork once it’s been minted?

Once you’ve minted your digital artwork, it’ll be revealed on the lot page on Christie’s 3.0. The artwork will also be transferred to your wallet and you’ll be able to see it and its related transaction on Etherscan.

What sales tax will I need to pay?

Christie’s is required by law to collect sales tax where applicable.

For the auction of SOURCE [On NFTs] , sales tax is already included within the purchase price.

For other digital art auctions, you will be notified by email of the tax amount you owe (in Ethereum) as soon as possible following the sale. Tax is based on an individual’s geographical jurisdiction and is subject to change with changing regulations. Click the link in the email to go to the checkout page on Christie’s 3.0, where you can connect your wallet, pay the tax amount due (if applicable) and take ownership of your digital artwork.

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